What is this service?

Transportation support in Culpeper, Fauquier, Madison, Orange, and Rappahannock Counties.

Who is this service for?

All community members of Culpeper, Fauquier, Madison, Orange, and Rappahannock counties.

Local Transportation Support - a collaborative service with RTC Mobility Center - image of woman assisting man in wheelchair by a passenger van - Encompass Community Supports


Encompass Community Supports provides the primary transportation for community members using our services. We can also assist them by arranging transportation to and from medical and other important appointments.

Community Members may also receive information on other transportation resources available in our region by calling RTC Mobility Center at (540) 829-5300, or visiting Regional Transportation Collaborative (RTC). This is a collaborative service of RTC Mobility Center and Encompass Community Supports.

How to Contact Us:

If you need transportation assistance please call (540) 825-3100, ext. 3311.


There are transportation volunteer opportunities in our Adults 60 and Above programs.  Please visit our Volunteer page to learn more.