Adults 60 and Above Services

Adult Day activities for eligible adults residing in our service area.*
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Assistance to help share information about self-directed and agency supports for individuals 60 and up, or individuals 18 and above with a disability residing in our service area.
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Consultation with support coordinators on managing and living with ongoing health concerns for adults 60 and above residing in our service area.
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Meals delivered to adults 60 and above residing in our service area who are unable to leave their homes due to illness, disability, or frailty and have no assistance preparing meals.
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Housing supports for eligible adults residing in our service area.
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Advocacy and mediation for adults 60 and above residing in our service area with medical decisions and quality of care concerns.
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Locations where adults 60 and above residing in our service area can socialize with their peers.
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Free fans and air conditioners for use during hot summer months for adults 60 and above who meet certain income guidelines and live in our service area.
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Assistance to help share information about self-directed and agency supports for individuals 60 and up, or individuals 18 and above with a disability residing in our service area.
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Partners and Other Resources

You may find additional Partners, Affiliations, and Approved Resources for Community Connections for Older Adults (CCOA) at Encompass Community Supports Partners (HERE)

* Encompass Community Supports’ service area consists of Culpeper, Fauquier, Madison, Orange, and Rappahannock Counties.


There are volunteer opportunities in our Adults 60 and Above programs.  Please visit our Volunteer page to learn more.